Deep thoughts.
And some not so deep.
But some will be Earth shattering.
Not literally. Obviously.
But figuratively.
Blue Origin Challenge Coin.
Pirates Squadron 10 Challenge Coin.
Less than twenty bucks.
Showing friends that you are an official Space Pirate.
Available in the Cargo Supply Store
Godspeed Sergeant Captain James T.J. Hooker!
#BlueOrigin #AmazonRocket #StarTrek October 12, 2021

Our bad. Also please extend our best wishes to Planet WhatsApp and Planet Instagram for a full and speedy recovery.
#facebookdown #instagramdown #WhatsApptoo
#PiratesSquadron10 #SpaceForcePirates #BlackHawkDown

Our Story. Such as it is. Hollywood doesn't really understand us.
The MILITARY PATCHES have arrived!
The Mail Space Ship has docked, and we have 200 miltary patches in stock now. If you waited to lace a bundle order and get both a military patch and a challenge coin to save ... your wait is over.
With the arrival announcement of our military patches, a blitzkrieg of interweb orders immediately poured in. Every single one was handled deftly by our Cargo Supply interns and ensigns and are usually shipped out on the morrow.

Black Pearl. Enterprise. Millennium Falcon. Boaty McBoatface.
All legendary ship names.
The maiden voyage for the Pirates Squadron 10 crew will be aboard the first vessel in a new class of Starship, and has not yet been named.
We need YOU to suggest names.
You have until launch date December 2337.
Do not disappoint us space cadets.
#SpaceForcePirates #PiratesSquadron10

Would you like a digital flight ticket with YOUR NAME? Of course you would. Stupid question. Forget we asked.
Send an email to ...
and Lt. Daniels will email you back with your digital flight ticket. Obviously he needs your actual first/last name. Use the subject line INAUGURAL FLIGHT in your email.

That time in the year 2018, three centuries ago mind you, when Space Cadet Carlton "Gopher" McSpackler (who admittedly had a reputation of being a major a**hole), nearly jeopardized all funding for Space Force by pissing off campaign contributors of the political party in the White House at the time. Sad really.
#SpaceForce #PiratesSquadron10
Deep thoughts.
And some not so deep.
But some will be Earth shattering.
Not literally. Obviously.
But figuratively.